Sunday, March 30, 2008

DAY FOUR Mastercleanse

I drank the saltwater and 2 cups of the lemonade mixture this morning and wasn't hungry even after I came home from church at 4:30 pm. I'm supposed to be drinking 6-12 cups a day so I just drank 4 cups and my stomach feels so full. I'll drink another cup or so tonight along with the tea.

So far I've lost 9 lbs. I would seriously suggest this cleanse if you want to lose weight quickly for a big event or a trip to Hawaii or something.

After the 10 days I am still restricted on what I can eat as I'm not supposed to shock my stomach with junk. So it's supposed to take 3 days of adjustment and eating raw foods before I can go hit McDonalds again... haha! I'm kidding, but it will be great to eat normal foods again. I think after the cleanse I will be more motivated to eat right. However, I'm craving homemade cookies so badly. I want to make the Seinfeld recipe so bad.

Tomorrow is Joshy's 3rd birthday and we're taking the kids to Chuck-e-cheese. Alicia, my sister in law, is bringing one of those big cakes from Costco.

I think my biggest weakness of all the sweets the world has to offer is a great, big chunky homeade cookie.

Oh, and I think I forgot to mention earlier that I made a mistake when I made my first horrible batch of lemonade juice. I put in 1 1/2 cups of maple syrup instead of 1 1/4 cups. It was disgusting. I read in Burrough's book that you can lessen the maple syrup if you're overweight so now I'm only putting in 1/2 cup. The lemonade tastes so much better now and finishing the rest of the cleanse is totally doable now.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Heather! I remember smells making Kendall hungry, and he'd just sit there with his lemonade while I ate pizza (I was pregnant, not trying to be mean). I get cravings for homemade cookies too! Does "drinking" the smell in help? That time with the pizza Kendall stood over the box for like 10 minutes smelling and smelling, like it was satisfying his urge to eat it! I thought that was just crazy to torture himself like that!!
