Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Slim Down with This Vitamin

Lose a pound recently? Great! Then keep it off with this mighty nutrient: vitamin C.

Research shows that your body needs sufficient vitamin C to burn fat -- and burning fat is key to keeping excess pounds away. So pop your C supplement, or snack on some C-rich orange sections before your next power walk.

A Critical Compound
People in a study who had low blood concentrations of vitamin C and walked on a treadmill for an hour burned 25 percent less fat than people with adequate C. But a dose of C brought fat-burning levels back up to par. Why? Seems C is essential for creating carnitine, a substance that turns fat into fuel. Find out how much C you need with this tool.

How Much Is Enough
To keep the pounds you dropped from coming right back, you could start your day with some grapefruit, have an orange after lunch, or fill your dinner plate with C-rich veggies like red bell peppers, broccoli, and brussels sprouts. Here are a few more reasons to C up!

4 Simple Ways to Superpower Your Salad

Salad is pretty healthful to start with, to be sure. But not all salads are created equal. (Case in point: iceberg lettuce with ranch dressing. Wimpy!)

So follow these four simple steps for making sure you up the antioxidant ante for all your garden greens:

1. Dress for Success
Dress your salad with an olive oil-based dressing. This good fat helps you absorb the nutrients in the salad. Mix the oil with apple or wine vinegars for extra antioxidants. Try this Roasted Garlic Dressing from EatingWell.

2. Herb It Up
Lemon balm and marjoram can increase a salad’s antioxidant capacity by 150–200 percent! Use EatingWell’s quick and easy instructions for herbing up your olive oil. You can sprinkle cumin, fresh ginger, and thyme on your salad, too.

3. Vary Your Veggies
Artichokes, beetroot, broccoli, garlic, leeks, radishes, spinach, and onions were the chart-topping antioxidant-rich veggies in a recent study -- though they’re not everyone’s favorites. Check out our list of the 10 most popular veggies to find out which of those is the healthiest.

4. Branch Out . . .
. . . with new leaves. Some colorful red chicory or purple cabbage, for example, will add crunch to your salad -- as well as extra antioxidants. You can also count on cabbage to help reduce your risk of this.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Josh, how much weight have you lost???

Rumor has it that you've lost 19 lbs in 3 weeks??? That's more than 6 lbs a week!!! CONGRATS! That is seriously wonderful!!!

Our month supply is coming this week and I'm anxiously awaiting my order...

Saturday, August 9, 2008


They are revamping the website and finally got the distributor list up! I am very excited to have over ONE HUNDRED of you signed up to be a part of this exciting product and business opportunity!

Thanks to Josh and Tiffany for all their hard work in good ol' Texas! They did a vendor booth today and had great success!!! (Josh - Don't forget to send those banners back to JD asap)... :)

Please come and see us at the Layton (Sept 12 & 13) and Sandy (Sept 26 & 27) Expo Center for the What a Woman Wants Show. We will be there promoting FORM and FIXX and helping people embrace a healthier lifestyle!

Have you put your orders in? The sooner we get our month supply the sooner we can start shedding those pounds! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!! I WISH YOU MUCH SUCCESS!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008


WHOLESALE - US $139.00 : 100 QV/CV
RETAIL - US $160.00 : 100 QV/CV

O3 FORM Action Pack
2 Bottles of FORM™ (40 capsules each)
1 Box of FIXX™ (24 pouches)

O3 FIBE Action Pack
2 Bottles of FIBE™ (90 capsules each)
1 Box of FIXX™ (24 pouches)

O3 Intro Packs

RETAIL - US $85 : 50 QV/CV

O3 FORM Intro Pack
1 Bottle of FORM™ (40 capsules)
12 FIXX™ pouches

O3 FIBE Intro Pack
1 Bottle of FIBE™ (90 capsules)
12 FIXX™ pouches


RETAIL - US $36 : 18 QV/CV

O3 FORM Experience Pack
1 Bottle of FORM™ (40 capsules)
1 FREE FIXX™ Sample Pouch
1 FREE O3World DVD
1 FREE O3World Brochure

O3 FIBE Experience Pack
1 Bottle of FIBE™ (90 capsules)
1 FREE FIXX™ Sample Pouch
1 FREE O3World DVD
1 FREE O3World Brochure


WHOLESALE - US $279 : 200 QV/CV
RETAIL - US $319 : 200 QV/CV

O3 FORM Case Pack
8 Bottles of FORM™ (40 capsules each)

O3 FIBE Case Pack
8 Bottles of FIBE™ (90 capsules each)

O3 FIXX Case Pack
4 Boxes of FIXX™ (24 pouches each)


WHOLESALE - US $125.00 : 100 QV/CV
RETAIL - US $140.00 : 100 QV/CV

O3 FORM Standard Pack
1 Bottle of FORM™ (40 capsules each)
1 Box of FIXX™ (24 pouches)

O3 FIBE Standard Pack
1 Bottle of FIBE™ (90 capsules each)
1 Box of FIXX™ (24 pouches)


WHOLESALE - US $558 : 400 QV/CV
RETAIL - US $638 : 400 QV/CV

O3 FORM Founders Pack
16 Bottles of FORM™ (40 capsules each)
1 O3WORLD Demo Beaker

O3 FORM & FIXX Founders Pack
8 Bottles of FORM™ (40 capsules each)
4 Boxes of FIXX™ (24 pouches each)
1 O3WORLD Demo Beaker

O3 FIBE Founders Pack
16 Bottles of FIBE™ (90 capsules each)
1 O3WORLD Demo Beaker
US $558 : 400 QV/CV

O3 FIBE & FIXX Founders Pack
8 Bottles of FIBE™ (90 capsules each)
4 Boxes of FIXX™ (24 pouches each)
1 O3WORLD Demo Beaker

O3 PRO PACK Best Value!

WHOLESALE - US $1299 : 1000 QV/CV
RETAIL - US $1595 : 1000 QV/CV
40 Bottles of FORM™ (40 capsules each)

Order FORM and FIXX Now

It's here and we are excited! Time to get our month supply!

There are a variety of options to choose from whether you want the 40 pill bottle for $36 or if you want to get more with autoship for $139.


My plan is to take the FIXX shake for breakfast and a FORM before lunch and a FORM before dinner.

We are doing a VENDOR BOOTH at the What a Woman Wants show at the Layton and Southtowne Expo center Sept 12-13 and Sept 26-27. COME AND SEE US! JD Barnes and I will be working the booth the entire time and we have several others who have filled in all the slots for shifts throughout the show. We are SO excited!!!

I know this stuff works, but I want my own personal story so once I get my shipment in I will begin my weight loss journey with O3World product! I have 30 lbs to lose and I hope to lose between 2-5 lbs a week. I want to be thin for the show... do you think I can do it? :)

Alonso Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Free genealogy - Family reunion

Alonso Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Geneology search - Old pictures

Form and Fixx Your Way Into Shape

What does it mean to “FORM™ and FIXX™” your way into shape? Quite simply, it is the key losing weight – and keeping it off for good. Why?

Form and Fixx: Eating Right and Portion Control

Eating right is only part of the food formula when it comes to losing weight. Portion control is the other part. Knowing when to stop eating is difficult for many who experience weight loss problems. Here’s how it works. FORM™ contains SWELL®, an FDA-conforming hydrogel that when combined with water, expands in your stomach. It sends an “I’m full” message to your brain, so you eat less.

To help you eat right, FIXX™ is an organic, chocolate meal-replacement shake It is packed with all the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy, while still losing weight. Offered in single-serve packets, all you have to do is add water or milk for a delicious, on-the-go meal anytime.

Form and Fixx: Exercise and Lifestyle

As anyone who’s ever struggled with weight knows, eating right and portion control is only half of the equation. The other part is exercise and lifestyle. Form and Fixx gives you all the tools you need to eat right and maintain portion control. All you have to do is combine these healthy habits with an exercise plan, and weight control will be a thing of the past for you – for good.

Form and Fixx is not a magic solution where you lose weight and then are left floundering as to how to keep it off. The reason Form and Fixx is so successful in weight loss management is because it is a lifestyle system. Because it’s easy-to-use, it can be easily integrated into how you live. This means you can take the weight off – and keep it off because Form and Fixx becomes a lifestyle, not a one-off, magic weight loss solution.

Learn more about FORM and FIXX at Form A Better You...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


The countdown is ON....

We are standing by to switch the throttle to ON in O3World! It is important to us to execute flawlessly as we launch O3World. A pre-launch is usually full of premature moves and hasty mistakes. We are committed to excellence. As such, before we switch all systems "go" there are a few more details we need to address.What an awesome and exciting time! Overall, we are running ahead of schedule and working diligently to have pre-ordering available and operational as soon as tomorrow. Of course we’ll keep you updated as the seconds count down. We will let you know as soon as pre-ordering is ready!

Congratulations on being on the brink of amazing success in O3World!
The O3World Team

Sunday, August 3, 2008

MyO3World Price List

Here is the pricing for MyO3World product!!!


This is what we've been waiting for!

FORM Demonstration

Common Fitness Blunders

This is from SPARKPEOPLE.com:

There are numerous fitness blunders that everyone—beginners and experienced exercisers— falls into occasionally. Some may even become a regular part of your fitness routine. But, to get the best results from all your hard work, it’s important that you don’t find yourself creating a fitness routine filled with mistakes. This can set you up for injury, lack of results, boredom, plateaus, and just an overall lack of success. Analyze your fitness routine on a regular basis and ask yourself if you fall into any of these common blunders.

Blunder #1: Skipping the Warm Up, Cool Down, and Stretches

This may be one of the most common habits of exercisers! You finally committed yourself to a fitness routine, and you don’t want to waste any time. Often individuals jump right into exercise full bore. After all, warming up and stretching seems meaningless and a waste of time.

NOT TRUE! Warming up and stretching should be the foundation of your exercise. They should be viewed as a transition into exercise, allowing your body and mind to prepare for running, jumping, endurance, etc. Here is what you gain from a proper warm-up/stretch and cool-down/stretch:

Your muscles and connective tissue loosen to prepare for the stress of exercise
Oxygen and blood flow to your muscles and connective tissue increases, providing fuel for better muscular performance
Tension in your body decreases
Breathing patterns establish, helping relax the body during exercise
Joints are lubricated to allow for better performance
Muscle soreness is prevented and/or reduced during and after your workout
Better body awareness
Quicker reaction time
Improved posture
Improved coordination
You’ve probably exercised without warming up and stretching properly, and maybe nothing horrible happened. It may seem unnecessary, but consistently skipping it will limit your gains and put you at risk for injury. You could even be injured without even knowing it since you may not feel any pain right away

Fix it Tip: Try to warm-up with a low impact exercise for 5-10 minutes. A light sweat is a good indicator of your body temperature rising. Follow your warm-up with 5-10 minutes of stretching, head to toe. A cool down and stretch is just as important, following the same guidelines. Most of your flexibility benefits will come from your post-exercise stretch because your muscles are so warm.

Blunder #2: Looking For Instant Gratification

We are a culture of instant gratification seekers! Expecting fast results from a new diet and fitness plan is very common. Unfortunately it is one of the worst mindsets a beginner can create. You know about all the great benefits of exercise, like increased energy, weight loss, and better health. You exercise for a week straight, wake up the following Monday completely wiped out, a couple pounds heavier (because the exercise made you so hungry), and you have a cold. What gives?

Exercise definitely provides many great benefits, but the results are often seen weeks or even months after you begin. When you are consistent:

Your metabolism speeds up to allow for weight loss
Your body will adjust to the stress of exercise and you’ll feel more rejuvenated
Your immune system improves to help prevent sickness
Your strength and endurance improves, making exercise (and daily tasks) easier
Your mood and energy levels stabilize throughout the day
You sleep better at night
You look and feel better!

Fix it Tips: Don’t throw up your hands if you don’t see what you are looking for. Analyze what you are doing and try to make adjustments. It’s worth it.
Try to focus on other improvement besides weight loss- how you feel, how much you’ve learned, how you have more energy, etc.

Keep in mind that progress may be slow in the beginning. It probably took you many years to gain the weight you are trying to lose. You can’t expect to take it off in a fraction of the time. Plus, slow and steady weight loss (about 1-2 pounds per week) is healthier- AND you’re more likely to keep it off when it happens at this rate.

Get support and encouragement from a buddy, your friends and family, or on the message boards. Sometimes a kind word is all you need to stop you from giving up.