Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Here's for Motivation!

So lately I have been really wanting to buy a swimsuit. Hello, I am seven months pregnant, and probably won't be back down to my original size by the end of the summer, but for some reason the cute tankini's are calling out to me. As I was griping to my husband about wanting to be back to "normal" so I could buy a swimsuit, he came up with an idea. He said I should go ahead and buy a cute suit and have it be my "goal" for when I start losing my added pregnancy pounds. I got really excited, then I asked him, "What happens when I fit into my "goal" swimsuit? What do I get?" He looked at me and said, "That's what you get, the ability to fit into your "goal" swimsuit." And I said, "So I just wear my swimsuit around the house as a reward? That doesn't seem very motivating..." That's when we decided that when I fit into my suit, he will take me on a trip somewhere where I can wear it! I am so excited! Although we don't know where we are going, I am still excited knowing it is out there - a VACATION! Just the two of us! As we were thinking of obvious places - southern California, Florida, etc. We added a new twist. We want to go somewhere neither of us have been before. A new adventure together! Unfortunately, that doesn't leave us a lot of options....here is a list of places we've already been (not necessarily together - we haven't really been big on traveling since we've been so busy making/having kids our whole marriage!)

So, since we don't know how much money we will be able to set aside, we weren't really thinking anywhere outside of the country. But I don't know any other places we could go that have awesome beaches. Does anyone have any ideas or know any moderately priced places we could go?


  1. Ooooooh - that is really great motivation! I have a pile of 'skinny' clothes that are my motivation right now. CAN'T WAIT!

    I don't have many suggestions about where you could go... Hawaii is always my first pick of course. I can't get enough of it!

  2. Costa Rica!! Tickets are about $500 and once you get there everything is pretty inexpensive. You can go to Manuel Antonio or Montezuma. There are nice places to stay there and not a ton of tourists around and BEAUTIFUL beaches, I want to go back really bad! Is it just going to be you and Kendall? Or will you be taking your kids? Ken and his wife took the kids to Costa Rica and they had a great time. If no kids - even better! (So that you can explore the country easier.) Anyway, that sounds so fun to take a trip somewhere after you fit into your swimsuit!
