Wednesday, April 9, 2008

5 Days to Go!

Thanks for the comments and support!

On my 5th day and 5 more to go. The 3rd day was a real killer for me and I know it was my body reacting to caffeine withdrawals. I really wanted to quit but soooo glad I didn't. I am proud to say that I have no cravings for coffee... Yay!!! That was my main goal was to get off coffee and hopefully caffeine altogether. I really want to stay off soda as well so we'll see how that goes once this cleanse is done. The hunger pangs are getting worse but I just keep drinking that lemonade.... it's really pretty good! Even if I don't make it the full 10 days... at least I kicked the coffee addiction!


  1. Lena, GREAT JOB! I could only do the cleanse for, well, um... half a day? But that's really cool you've been able to do it and it's helped you stay off caffeine for a few days.

    Heather said the lemonade was pretty good, too, but the stuff I was drinking was NOT good! You guys are crazy...

  2. Great Job! You know that is amazing to go "cold turkey" from the coffee.
