Monday, April 7, 2008

Giving this Master Cleanse a try!

Hi, for those who don't know me, I am Lena Mecham and I live about a block west of Heather. We are in the same ward and that is how we met and have become great friends. Although we have the Hawaii connection, we both lived in the same town in Hawaii but never new each other there.
Well I am also another mom trying to shed those many many many unwanted pounds. I have 4 kids between the ages of 2 and 9, I've gained about 100 lbs. since getting married and delivering babies. Now that I am definitely done with having more kids.... it's time I need to work more on the weightloss.
But first, I have started this Detox/Lemonade Diet/MasterCleanse that Heather told me about. I decided to give it a try mainly for health reasons. I've been having many issues with stomach pain, nausea and stomach flu symptons... especially more so after the birth of my 4th child. I think this cleanse will help me start a more healthier diet. I have been a coffee drinker for 15 years and I am definitely addicted to the caffeine. I really need to get myself off of caffeine as well as soda. I hope that after this cleanse I can stay off the caffeine and eat more healthy meals.
So I am now on day 3 of this cleanse and the first 2 days weren't too bad but today was really hard. I am feeling the effects of not having caffeine for these last few days. I don't really crave coffee now but I do crave my all time favorite soda....Dr. Pepper! I went to the grocery store today and it was really hard for me not to grab a bottle of DP and take it home with me. I hope I can last another 7 days!!!

Thanks for the support Heather!!


  1. Hi, and first of all good luck on your cleanse! I am excited to try this when I am done nursing. I just wanted to tell you that my sister-in-law tried this cleanse and couldn't do more than two days mainly because she is also addicted to caffeine. She drinks a large amount of coke every day, and had serious withdrawls and sweats and gave up quickly. I think her body probably went into some sort of shock from not getting it's normal sugar\caffeine fix. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that, and encourage you to keep on it! Assuming you can for health reasons of course! I did think that my sister-in-law might be able to try it again if she goes a few days without her caffeine first, to slowly adjust into it. I look forward to hearing how you do! Good luck!

  2. Lena, good luck with the cleanse! You can do it! It's a great way to jump start yourself into a healthier diet.

  3. This is such an awesome cleanse and I feel like it's a great way to get rid of any addiction and start a healthier lifestyle. Just stick with it sister! It's so great at the end to be able to say you did it!!!
