Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Zonya's Health Bites

Has anyone out there heard of or seen this lady on t.v.? She is a nutritionist who has a show on PBS (I think it's PBS, it could actually be KUED or channel 9) and it is AWESOME! She has recipes that are really healthy and easy. I think it aires Tuesday nights, and some time on the weekend. Anyway, I also like the information she gives. It is really motivating! She talks a lot about reducing fat and sugar intake, and also does some spotlights on exercise. I have to admit the theme song to her show is a little bit cheesy, but she has good info - so I don't mind it! Here is a link to her website http://www.zonya.com/healthy_recipes.html . This is specifically her recipes, not the home website address. Anyway, check it out if you have time!


  1. Oh good! I'm all about these types of things. I will have to check her show out! Too bad I missed it last night! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Oh I just printed off some of her recipes! They look so great! I love how she tells you all the calorie/fat, etc content in each recipe. Whoohoo! I'm going to try the Miracle soup and the breakfast cookie recipes first.

  3. I haven't heard of her but I love learning about nutrition. I'll have to check out her website.
