Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Heather Hansen Before & After

Heather didn't exercise - she just took the FORM pill and lost 22 lbs in 4 weeks.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Watch FORM Work!!!

What an adventure! O3World™ is introducing a revolutionary home-based opportunity that is creating thicker wallets and thinner waists. The product line is changing the way the world views weight loss. O3World's flag ship product FORM™ is already changing the way people address their eating habits. People who have only been on the product for a couple of weeks have lost up to 10 lbs! Crazy but true!

Watch this video and you can see exactly how FORM works. And the great news, this product works 100% of the time. It is patent-pending, it's even on the GRAS list, and it is definitely a category creator. Nothing like this has ever been seen....EVER!!! My favorite thing about the product is that it works naturally with your body rather than using harmful stimulants like most other weight loss products. It makes weightloss almost effortless.

Call me or reply to this email and I'll give you the rest of the details. Hope to talk to you soon!

Heather Jackson

For more information on O3World, listen in to our conference call this week!
Thursday, July 31
7:00 PM MDTUS Tel. 1.800.260.0719
Caller Pin : 956126#

Monday, July 28, 2008

This is a hijack!

Sorry to hijack this blog, Heather! I couldn't find emails for either you or Julianna and just wanted to make sure you both (and anyone else who wants to come) knew about Digi Scrap night on Thursday (July 31st at 6:30pm at my house). Just email me! I also posted it on the family website.

In other news, I actually have done something to try to start losing weight. I am now on a point system to help motivate me. I get 2 points a day for no sugar and 3 points for 30 minutes of exercise. I have been keeping track with a friend and in about 6 months, if we reach our goal we will go on a fun trip. It's good motivation and fun to do it with a friend. Plus it addresses the things I really need to do...stop eating 10 cookies at once and getting stronger through exercise.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


We never repent of having eaten too little.
- Thomas Jefferson

Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow ye diet.
- William Gilmore Beymer

If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner.
- Henry Sambrooke Leigh

Skinny cooks can't be trusted.
- American Saying

As I ramble through life, whatever be my goal, I will unfortunately always keep my eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole.
- Wendy Wasserstein

The rest of the world lives to eat, while I eat to live.
- Socrates

Take twice as long to eat half as much.
- Anonymous

Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.
- Peter De Vries

Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip.
- Arnold H. Glasgow

Feed sparingly and defy the physician.
- James Howell

In eating, a third of the stomach should be filled with food, a third with drink and the rest left empty.
- Talmud

One way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life.
- Cyril Connolly

More die in the United States of too much food than too little.
- John Kenneth Galbraith

Some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to mind, what they eat. For my part, I mind my belly very studiously, and very carefully; for I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else.
- Samuel Johnson

Never, never, never quit.
- Winston Churchill

The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.
- Benjamin Mays

Victory belongs to the most persevering.
- Napoleon

Ellen Degeneres

"You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is."

Saturday, July 26, 2008

First Utah Myo3World meeting Notes

Written below are my notes from the first big Myo3World meeting held last night at Thanksgiving Point. It was wonderful to meet some of the incredible people behind this incredible company.

Ron Williams, CEO, spoke and gave us a sense of urgency when it came to bettering our health and the health of those around us. He mentioned that we are the sickest and heaviest generation ever and that we are the first generation projected to outlive our own children. That spoke to me LOUD AND CLEAR.

He mentioned that 1% of 2 million people spent 5 billion dollars on gastric bypass last year. Being that FORM is like 'gastric bypass in a pill', there is something really, really HUGE here and we're just getting started.

The incredible thing about FORM, is that it fits the criteria for being a big name brand. It's unique, has customer appeal, there is opportunity for everyone, and there is incredible residual income.

Williams quoted, "A brand lives long after a name has been forgotton'.

So with FORM and FIXX, this company is easily establishing a brand that can stand up in a billion dollar industry.

This product will redefine weight loss with portion control.

"Form is o3World's flagship hunger management product designed to reduce the hunger associated with calorie restriction."

"Form is patent-pending, first of class, first to market, highly effective, all-natural mechanism".

Form has no nutritional value, no known side effects and is rapid acting... Each microbead absorbs hundreds of times its volume of water. Once the microbeads absorb the water and fill your stomach, Leptin (hunger sensation) and Grhelin (satisfaction sensation) send messages to your brain that you are no longer hungry.

  • You eat less and lose weight.
  • Studies showed that the average reduction in portion size was 21%.
  • The rating of hunger control effectiveness was 88.9%.
  • It took 36 minutes to feel the 'full effect'.

Average weight loss was almost 5 lbs in two weeks.

This is not a fad diet. This will change people's lives.

Heather Hansen (Biggest Loser contestant and Myo3World Representative) loves that this 'miracle pill' gives you control. She enjoys being able to share a meal with her husband when they go out to eat. She really wants to help people get healthy.

Friday, July 25, 2008

"I Lost Two Pounds!"

My sister, Julianna, tried FORM and called me early the next morning; "I lost two pounds! I've been at this weight forever and I can't believe I've lost two pounds! Imagine what it will be like if I keep biking and taking FORM!"

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Emails from Some who Tried Product Samples

"I tried the sample of FORM yesterday evening and it really does seem to cut down on the amount of food I ate for dinner."
- donna

"This stuff really works! I didn't even feel like finishing my soup for dinner! I didn't feel hungry the rest of the night either!"
- Lena


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My03World Website

Sign up now!

“Biggest Loser” Star Leads Weight Loss Revolution

“Biggest Loser” Star Leads Weight Loss Revolution

Reality TV star partners with nutritional company to launch new hunger
management product line

SALT LAKE CITY – 14 July 2008 - Hit TV show finalist Heather Hansen may have had to call it quits early from the show “Biggest Loser” for being pregnant, but is now reviving her fame with a new weight loss line. A revolutionary, patent-pending technology uses the body’s natural function to help with portion control.

Heather has partnered with O3World™ to bring to market FORM™ and FIXX™, a one
two punch in hunger management. “I’ve been waiting for something like this to
come along; a product that is safe to use but that actually works. It is all in the
portion control,” Heather remarks. “It is really fun to be back in the game. After the show I put on some baby weight that I couldn’t wait to get back off. O3World’s flag ship product, FORM, makes it easy for me to be in control of my calories.”

FORM offers network marketing a first-to-market, physician developed, and
patent-pending technology in a capsule that aids consumers with mealtime portion
control. Brooks Gordon, marketing director for O3World recently said, “The
O3World product line capitalizes on the simplest rule of weight loss, if you eat less
you weigh less. Obesity is plaguing our nation and we want to be part of the
solution.” Gordon went on to say, “Heather is such a great fit for our product line,
she has a genuine interest in making sure people are making healthy choices when
it comes to dieting and weight loss.”

O3World will make its exclusive products available to the public sometime in
September 2008. Limited production samples will be available during July and
August 2008.


About O3World: O3World™ is a revolutionary weight management division of
ForeverGreen International that is focusing on creating strategic relationships
within the hunger management field to develop cutting edge weight loss solutions.

About FORM™: FORM™ contains SWELL®, which is a proprietary, ultra-pure FDAcompliant
hydrogel platform technology owned and developed by Wellosophy™
Corporation for use as a pre-meal gastric bulking agent.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


TURBO JAM from Beachbody

Has anyone done the Turbo Jam workout? My workout buddies and I did this in our basement this morning and it is a really fun workout. Workouts definitely don't need to be a drag! I'm deciding that spicing up my workouts with a variety of these types of DVD's really helps me stay motivated and not get bored!

Monday, July 21, 2008


FIXX Meal Replacement Shake


FIXX is the real DEAL

We have had many who are trying to combine FIXX as part of the weight loss/improved health regime and wanted to know the ingredients of the FIXX product. It is better than expected or hoped for… We have a couple of LADIES who are totally into the Weight Watchers program and are very excited about FIXX and FORM as tools to help them achieve their goals. One of their biggest concerns was the total calories, fat and fiber because most protein based shakes are high in the ‘POINTS’ that Weight Watchers uses.

TADA – 1 Point with water – 3 Points with Milk… holy crap this is awesome. Enclosed you will see the ingredient deck for the product – enjoy.

I was talking to my friend Peter who mentioned that there was a concern that people would be losing weight TOO fast and because of that, they would be losing out on vital nutrients to keep them healthy. THUS the FIXX meal replacement shake comes into the picture to partner with the FORM pill in ensuring weight loss AND good health.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

More 22 Mile Photos

We had such a great time! That bike ride is totally doable for all shapes and all sizes! There were KIDS doing it and there was my cousin's NINETY year old grandpa who did the same bike ride last year. Grandpa Budd kept up with us young bucks quite well (much to our secret disappointment)... ;) But the only really difficult part was finishing the very last part of the race and going up the HILL OF DEATH!!! So Juls and I walked up the hill of death and it felt SO good to use the other muscles in our gluteous maximus... Hehe... Great bike ride! I'm not sore but it will probably hit tomorrow. It feels great to have accomplished that!

22 Mile Bike Ride

Fitness Facts

Fitness Facts

Getting in shape? Learn 10 fitness facts from our fitness advice experts that will help motivate you to get in shape.

Fitness Fact 1. Studies have suggested that walking at a brisk pace for three or more hours a week can reduce your risk for coronary heart disease by 65 percent.

Fitness Fact 2. About 25 percent of American adults — and an even greater percentage of women — are sedentary. After age 44, upwards of 30 percent of women are sedentary, and by age 65, the proportion increases to almost 35 percent. By the time they reach age 75, about 50 percent of all women are sedentary.

Fitness Fact 3. Only about 22 percent of American adults engage in regular, sustained physical activity for at least 30 minutes five times a week, and only 15 percent exercise both regularly and vigorously.

Fitness Fact 4. No matter how poor your current level of fitness, you can start an exercise routine and become fitter and healthier. Even 90-year-old women who use walkers have been shown in studies to benefit from light weight training.

Fitness Fact 5. Simply adding movement into your daily routine can increase your level of fitness. For example, if you park in the last row of the parking lot and walk briskly five minutes each way between your office and your car, walk up and down the stairs at your office during your 10-minute afternoon coffee break, and walk the dog for 10 minutes when you get home, you've racked up 30 minutes of exercise for the day.

Fitness Fact 6. Women with heart disease or arthritis actually experience improved daily function from involvement in various modes of physical activity.

Fitness Fact 7. Fitness consists of four components: your body's ability to use oxygen as a source of energy, which translates into cardiovascular fitness; muscular strength and endurance; flexibility; and body composition.

Fitness Fact 8. To address all the components of fitness, an exercise program needs to include aerobic exercise, which is continuous repetitive movement of large muscle groups that raises your heart rate; weight lifting or strength training; and flexibility exercises or stretching.

Fitness Fact 9. Walking at a brisk pace (a 15-minute mile or 4 mph) burns almost as many calories as jogging for the same distance. The benefit of jogging is that it takes less time to cover the same distance and it benefits the bones; however, it may be too strenuous for some.

Fitness Fact 10. It takes about 12 weeks after starting an exercise program to see measurable changes in your body. However, before 12 weeks, you will notice an increase in your strength and endurance.

Copyright 2003 National Women's Health Resource Center, Inc.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Got In a Good Workout Today, Did You?

Tomorrow there is a MIDNIGHT 22 mile bike ride to Antelope Island several of us are doing. I'm so excited! I am hoping I'll survive. If I stop writing on this blog or disappear from Facebook or then you'll know I didn't... ;) Wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Recorded Phone Conversation about FORM & FIXX

My friend and partner, JD Barnes, emailed me a link to a group call they had about the new FORM & FIXX product.

Copy and paste this link to listen:

Just have patience - it's kind of a slow start but then it picks up and once JD starts explaining it's really interesting and informative and exciting.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


For those of you who are browsing this site for the first time - you will be happy to know that there is a new weight loss pill available!

It is called FORM and once ingested with water, it expands (called the SWELL factor) and takes up space in your stomach allowing only a small amount of food inside. You will feel full, eat less and lose weight. SIMPLE!

Sign up the whole month of July is free and you can sign up at this link:

Browse this site and read about the product safety, the business side of it (do you want your product for free?), how it got started, etc.

Sign up your friends and family and get involved in a business that is going to explode once product becomes available!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Four Month Progression Photo

So the results are in and slowly but surely, I'm shrinking. I've been working out for 4 months now pretty consistently it's nice to see it's paying off.
These pictures are pretty big motivators so if there are any of you doing these before and after pictures too make sure to post them so we can all be excited together!
I've joined Beachbody too and will soon have one... a beach body that is! :) With exercise and portion control it's not too far off for me.

Weightloss Opportunities

Yes Heather's been such a great friend and great support with my goal to lose weight. It's been such a blessing to have moved into this neighborhood and meet great people. I'm so excited to be involved in these two business opportunities.

Anyone who's interested in the Beach Body business go to my website at . Click on Be A Coach and it will take you to more info about Beach Body and how to sign up. is a 13 minute presentation on the complete overview of the business. I've already been given customers by the company and received my first commission check just after 5 weeks. It's so amazing!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Want a Sample?

I'm so excited for those of you who have signed up! Are you looking as forward to when this stuff becomes available as I am? :)

I especially think you're smart for taking advantage of becoming a customer while it's free to sign up!

I've been sending out samples to those who have asked me for them and I still have some left. If you're interested in trying one please email me at . I'll mail out the samples until I run out. It's really worth it to try it and see for yourself how well it works. I've said it once and I'll say it again that this product will sell itself... NOT HARD to promote a weight loss tool that works.

Lena - thanks for posting about Beachbody!!! Will you post your sign up link too? If any of you have ever seen those shows promoting Ab Jam, Turbo Jam, etc then that's what Beachbody is. They've only recently made it available for people to make money on the whole idea of a support system and teamwork in exercise. I love it! You have portion control help and exercise help - the perfect combination for a healthy lifestyle.

Just FYI, Lena is one of my greatest friends ever and the funny thing is that although she is from Laie also, we met here in Lehi, Utah! God wanted us to eventually meet and I'm so, so glad we finally did! Lena went to my same elementary school all the way over in Hawaii the same exact time I did and we never knew each other till now. We're having a great time working out in the mornings trying to incorporate a healthier lifestyle into our busy mom lifestyle. I've introduced her to Body for Life and FORM she's introduced me to a variety of Beachbody workout DVD's that keep our workouts from EVER being dull! Life is great when you have great friends, isn't it?

Friday, July 11, 2008


Hey, I just signed up with the FORM product and ordered some samples. I did try it a couple of times and WOW! I could really feel my stomach filling up and getting full. This is really great! My weakness is snacking late at night and taking this pill before dinner and a couple of hours after dinner, it really curbed that feeling of wanting to snack since I felt full. I can't wait for August when product becomes available!!

I've also joined Beach Body and doing these two things together will definitely keep me on track to lose the weight. Beach Body is another business opportunity where you become a coach to customers the company gives you. All you have to do is work out at least 8 times a month and have a webpage with your goals, exercise progress, etc. and email your customers if they need motivation, have questions, etc. It's great and really keeps me motivated to work out. If anyone wants to hear more about it go to
I can't wait to get the results I want with this new FORM pill and exercise. Also, I think the Fixx shake is great too. It sure tastes a lot better than the other meal replacement shakes on the market! I think I've probably tried them all!

Thanks for all the info Heather!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Comparison Information on My03World Form

MyO3World Form™
Comparison Information

One of my favorite people took some time and found the following statistics about some of the
most well known ‘weight management’ programs that have been used over the last 10 years.

There is some kind of reference book he called "The New Diet Pills" that he specifically used
during the EOLA weight loss days. My friend happened to be one of the largest distributors with
EOLA and wanted to see the comparison of like products as they relate to FORM.

Specifically he wanted to compare FORM™ with Fen/Phen, ECA stack (Ephedra, Caffeine and
Aspirin) and Phentermine, as well as look at diet and exercise regimes/guidelines/requirements.

In the ECA stack study using 25 mgs and increasing to 50 mg after 1 month with 50 mg of
caffeine and 110 mg of aspirin, study participants lost an average of 4.1 lbs over a 2 month
period utilizing the above dosage increases.

One thing he felt was really nice about this study comparison is that the ECA Stack and the
FORM™ both had NO diet restrictions, exercise programs or behavior modification.

Details included herein are for comparison only; no guarantees are being made or implied.
This data was taken from studies concluded outside of his and our control, however:

1. Studies were performed at independent weight loss centers, so the manufacturer
would not be able to skew the data.
2. Blood studies have been performed on people using the product. There are no
changes in a blood study, before, during or after using the product. As far as the
body and digestive system are concerned it is inert.
3. The product has been evaluated after it comes out of the body and with the
exception of holding water; it is identical to when it went into the body, so no part
of it is left behind.
Products: Weintraub Fen/Phen ECA Stack My03World FORM Phentermine
Caloric Restrictions YES NO NO 1000 Cal Per Day
Exercise Programs YES NO NO NO
Behavior Modifications YES NO NO NO
Weight Loss .9 lbs per week .6 lbs per week 1.9 lbs per week .75 lbs per week

What is FORM

What is FORM

Question: What is FORM™?
FORM™ is (Carbomer Homopolymer)Carbomer is an industry trade name identifing a series of crosslinked hydrogel polymers. Carbomers have been in wide commercial use for decades since they are non-toxic, not absorbed, and are listed as "generally recognized as safe (GRAS)." A wide variety of carbomers are FDA-approved.

Question: How does FORM™ work?
SIMPLE: It's all about meal portion control... FORM™ is NOT a "miracle weight loss pill."
Each FORM™ capsule contains hundreds of FORM™ microbeads; made from our proprietary, non-toxic, FDA-approved water-absorbent polymer designed to expand up to 500 times in size when taken as directed.

Each FORM™ rapid-acting capsule dissolves within 10 minutes of ingestion. The microbeads absorb the free water and expand to fill the stomach; promoting the release of hormones that signals the hunger center in the brain to suppress your appetite. So by the time you sit down and start eating, you are already beginning to "feel full."

Simply stated: FORM™ lets you eat less without feeling hungry, and in combination with a healthy lifestyle and weight management program, most people using FORM™ tend to lose more weight than with dieting and / or exercise alone

Question: How do I use FORM™?
FORM™ is typically taken as 1 or 2 capsules with 8 oz. of water, one-half hour before eating.

Whether you need 1 or 2 capsules varies by individual, so see what works best for you. As a general guideline, you should start with 1 capsule, especially if you weigh 150 lbs. or less. If you don't have a sense of fullness during the meal from one capsule, then next time try 2 capsules. Everyone is different, so FORM™ works slightly differently for everyone.

Question: Can FORM™ clog up my system?
NO: FORM™ microbeads have an extremely slick and slippery surface so they do not stick to one another and they do not adhere to the mucous membranes or the linings of the GI tract.

Fully expanded, each microbead is about the size of a small pea allowing it too easily and gently slides through the GI tract without clumping or sticking to anything.

Question: Is FORM™ associated with GI or bowel problems?
NO: FORM™ is totally bio-inert. It is made from a water-swelling polymer that is not absorbed or digested; neither does it absorb nutrients or other ingested materials.

FORM™ is designed to behave like many natural foods that pass through the GI tract undigested (i.e., corn, lentils, peanuts, etc.).

Question: Does FORM™ have any significant side effects?
NO: FORM™ is a mechanical gastric bulking agent that has no nutritional value. It does not contain ephedrine, or any stimulants.

FORM™ promotes bowel regularity, but it is not a laxative; nor does it interfere with digestion or blood sugar levels.

FORM™ is not known to promote any significant side effects. It is non-fermenting and does not cause flatulence (gas).

Question: Do I have to drink water with FORM™ capsules?
YES: 6-8 oz of tap water with each FORM™ capsule is VERY IMPORTANT for 2 reasons:

First; FORM™ capsules need to be swallowed whole - without chewing or breaking them open in the mouth.

Second; once the capsules dissolve in the stomach, the microbeads expand by absorbing water. In order for the beads to expand properly, the stomach needs to have enough free water present. Six to 12 ounces of water must be taken with each capsule 1/2 to 1 hour before meals for FORM™ to work safely and achieve maximal effectiveness.

FORM™ is a patent-pending, ultra-pure superabsorbent hydrogel that has the remarkable ability to absorb 500 to 1,000 times its weight in water in the stomach in less than one minute.

FORM™ microbeads are made from a synthetic carbomer developed for use as a temporary pre-meal gastric bulking agent. As a class, carbomers have been "generally recognized as safe" for many years and have been used in a wide variety of FDA-approved applications.

Tested for Purity:
FORM™ is entirely bio-inert, non-toxic, and non- absorbable and is manufactured to meet the same standards for purity that is required for pharmaceutical products.

Clinical Data:
FORM™ Clinical Trial Results

FORM™ has been evaluated in a clinical trial designed to define its clinical efficacy and safety.

From December 2007 through February 2008, thirty participants were evaluated at four clinical sites located at physician-managed medical weight loss clinics. Each enrollee signed an informed consent and was provided with ninety 750mg capsules of FORM™.

Participants were instructed to take FORM™ as directed and return weekly for weigh-ins, consultation and to answer study questionnaires.

Information was collected weekly for four weeks from each person regarding:
a) Certain personal information
b) Diet and eating habits and behaviors
c) FORM™ utilization
d) FORM™ effectiveness
e) Hunger status
f) Meal portion sizes
g) Associated side effects or adverse events.

The findings are summarized below:

Participant Statistics:
* Average Age: 49
* Average Beginning: BMI - 30.5; Weight - 183 lbs; Height - 65 in
* Average Ending: BMI - 29.3; Weight - 175 lbs; Height - 65 in
Responders: 94.1%
Average 4-week Weight Loss: 7.6 lbs (4.2% of Body Mass)
Average Number of Capsules Taken per Day: 2.1
Average Reduction in Meal Portion Size: 34.3%
Average Rating of Hunger Control Effectiveness: 86.7%
Average Time to "feel" Fullness Effect: 33 minutes
Average Duration of "Fullness" Effect: 2.5 hours
Total Doses Administered: >2,000
Total Incidence of Side-effects: 3.6%; Adverse Events: None

Basic Info about FORM and the Business Opportunity

Super Important! Less than 600 people are even aware of this product or pending launch. If you would like the opportunity to get in at the top….This is THE opportunity… and it is called MyO3World and is in pre - (pre launch status) and is powered by Forever Green. Powered is an interesting term and used purposefully in this case. They are the tool or engine (money) that will run this massive opportunity…

Forever Green is an established company within the MLM industry, in their 4th year of operation. They are debt free, publicly traded, have over $25 million dollars a year in annual sales and can do business in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan and Europe.

This very unique opportunity enables EACH of US to participate in the launch of a new product, within a new division and become one of the founding members and at the exact same time have the financial backing, and proven industry stability of Forever Green.

Three of the biggest questions asked with the launch of a new company are:

What is the financial or physical status of the company? Balanced and Proven… noted above.

What is the product or product line that creates the opportunity? MyO3World is launching a weight loss/management product that will change the way people deal with hunger and eating. FORM™ is the founding product of the MyO3World. It will be accompanies by the FIXX line starting with a meal replacement shake that includes way more than all the standard meal replacement necessities. This product is truly remarkable as well.

FORM and FIXX are designed to help people maintain and live a healthy fit lifestyle.

How much experience does the executive team have? The management team has over 125 years of combined experience, executive bios can be found on their corporate website.

Why am I introducing this opportunity to you now? Because right now enrolling is FREE. The normal $29.95 enrollment fee is being waved in the pre pre-launch phase. No product is available for the next 20+ days. Some limited samples are available. Packaged products will be available in about 45 days.

When the compensation plan, product and everything else is totally ready and available, you can expect to pay about $100.00 per month for a month’s worth of shakes and FORM™ (specific quantities and price currently unknown). However, we will know everything before we are expected to pay a dime. In fact, when we are completely ready to get going… in other words when it is time to spend your money if you decide you do not want to pay there is no obligation… today’s free enrollment basically holds your place in line if you decide that you want to participate in the products or the opportunity.

To enroll for FREE and get in line with me go to . You will need an “Enroller Information” number. Put my number 4720432 in that box to get your spot. Once pre-pre launch ends, product pricing, enrollment fees and membership requirement will be explained and then an official product order will need to be placed to lock in your secured spot. Enrollment fees will be waived if you order your product.

Now is the time to take advantage of this opportunity, enrollment is open and FREE. If you have specific questions call me or call 866-461-0083 listen to the pre-recorded message.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Business Side of My03World

I also want to add that if you are looking for a way to supplement your income, get your product for free, etc - then this is the way to do it.

You lose the weight using the product, SHOW people how easy it is and the excitement is contagious.

I really, really want my product for free and wouldn't mind a paycheck too...



I'm really excited about this new pill! I got my sample packs in and took one last night for the first time. I took it right before dinner and it was so cool to sit down and not feel very hungry! I didn't finish my meal and went to bed several hours later completely satisfied.

I even sent Rich off with the older kids to get icecream and didn't even want any. It was to Maggie Moo's too - where they have the best chocolate marshmellow icecream ever.

I wish I had more of the stuff because the samples I do have I want to use to show people how it works. I don't have that many. In the meantime, I will anxiously await the arrival of product in AUGUST...

FYI - this stuff is amazing and with the weightloss industry as big as it is I'm serious about signing up while it's free the entire month of July. There is nothing remotely comparable in the market and so I expect this is going to just BLOW UP in the upcoming months.

Sign up while it's free here:

OH - and I might add that they also have available a meal replacement shake to help with the weightloss and it's by FAR the BEST TASTING meal replacement shake I've ever had... and that's usually how I lose pregnancy weight whether it's from Costco shakes, Slimfast, or other ones. This one called FIXX is tasty and it kept my hunger at bay till after lunchtime! Hopefully this will cause my snacking problem to GO AWAY...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Weight Loss Website

I'm learning more and more about this great product and I'm looking forward to when I can actually get my product in August. In the meantime, however, I ordered samples that should be coming soon.

If anyone wants to check it out you can email me at

Also, you can check out the website at the link below. It's free to sign up the entire month of July!

The product works 100% of the time – meaning that 100% of the time it absorbs the water and reduces the space in your stomach. With this product I should be where I want to be by September/October!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Introducing Form and Fixx


So I've lost 44 lbs since Sadie's been born and although it's been consistent I'm so impatient! In the 4 months I've been working out I've consistently lost 10 lbs a month. I've got 36 more lbs to go but I REALLY want it off NOW! :)

I'm loving the Body for Life workout and have been waking up at 6 am every morning 6 days a week. What I need though is a little extra boost and I think I've found it.

Rich was contacted by a guy about a new revolution in weight loss called FORM. It's a pill that you swallow with a glass of water before a meal and it absorbs the water and actually fills up your stomach so you feel full and eat less. It sounds really simple and I've seen the demonstrations and they speak for themselves.

With the studies, etc people can lose 3-4 lbs a week which is WHAT I WANT! Instead of losing the weight in 5 months I can lose it in 2 or so...

So I signed up and am awaiting my samples. WHOOHOO! It's free to sign up the entire month of July but after that it's $29.00. This will explode in August and September so now is a good time to get in.

We all know how much money is spent in weight loss products... when I heard about this one and quickly mentally compared it to some of the big ones out there (Alli, Gastric Bypass, Stomach bands, etc, etc) I felt it was going to be the next BIG THING.

I will definitely be posting my results. I'm excited!!!

Email me for more info: