Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Here's for Motivation!

So lately I have been really wanting to buy a swimsuit. Hello, I am seven months pregnant, and probably won't be back down to my original size by the end of the summer, but for some reason the cute tankini's are calling out to me. As I was griping to my husband about wanting to be back to "normal" so I could buy a swimsuit, he came up with an idea. He said I should go ahead and buy a cute suit and have it be my "goal" for when I start losing my added pregnancy pounds. I got really excited, then I asked him, "What happens when I fit into my "goal" swimsuit? What do I get?" He looked at me and said, "That's what you get, the ability to fit into your "goal" swimsuit." And I said, "So I just wear my swimsuit around the house as a reward? That doesn't seem very motivating..." That's when we decided that when I fit into my suit, he will take me on a trip somewhere where I can wear it! I am so excited! Although we don't know where we are going, I am still excited knowing it is out there - a VACATION! Just the two of us! As we were thinking of obvious places - southern California, Florida, etc. We added a new twist. We want to go somewhere neither of us have been before. A new adventure together! Unfortunately, that doesn't leave us a lot of options....here is a list of places we've already been (not necessarily together - we haven't really been big on traveling since we've been so busy making/having kids our whole marriage!)

So, since we don't know how much money we will be able to set aside, we weren't really thinking anywhere outside of the country. But I don't know any other places we could go that have awesome beaches. Does anyone have any ideas or know any moderately priced places we could go?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"One must eat to live and not live to eat."

"One must eat to live and not live to eat."
—Molière: 17th century French playwright and actor

Today in advanced countries, we eat to be social. We eat to escape reality. We eat because we’re bored. Or because we have a craving. Or just because. We could learn a lot from third world countries. We could learn a lot from our ancient ancestors. They eat for nourishment — they eat to live. If we could revert to a simpler time when we viewed food as fuel, energy, and life, we would eradicate most diseases. Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures. But living is just a tad better.

Today I take my 2 month picture! I can't wait to compare last month to this month... If it's significant maybe I'll post it... Give you all a good laugh...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Zonya's Health Bites

Has anyone out there heard of or seen this lady on t.v.? She is a nutritionist who has a show on PBS (I think it's PBS, it could actually be KUED or channel 9) and it is AWESOME! She has recipes that are really healthy and easy. I think it aires Tuesday nights, and some time on the weekend. Anyway, I also like the information she gives. It is really motivating! She talks a lot about reducing fat and sugar intake, and also does some spotlights on exercise. I have to admit the theme song to her show is a little bit cheesy, but she has good info - so I don't mind it! Here is a link to her website http://www.zonya.com/healthy_recipes.html . This is specifically her recipes, not the home website address. Anyway, check it out if you have time!

A Dozen Healthy Pantry Pick-Me-Ups

Carrots — Cut them into sticks and dip them in salsa, light salad dressing, yogurt dip or peanut butter.
Bananas — On their own, they're great, but add them to a smoothie, or freeze them for a fun treat, and they're even better.

Celery — They're as versatile as carrots and even lower in calories. And they're crunchy enough to help die-hard chip fans get through the munchies.

Cucumbers — Slice them up and sprinkle lightly with salt for a refreshing snack.

Dried cereal — Mix this up with nuts and dried fruit for a healthy post-gym treat. Just make sure to keep your serving to 1/2 cup.

Nuts — Peanuts, almonds, pecans and other nuts can be tossed with dried cereal and raisins or mixed into a 6-ounce yogurt for a healthy bite.

Orange juice/Other juices — If you have Popsicle molds or even just ice cube trays, pour in the juice and pop it in the freezer. In just a few hours, you'll have a cool and tasty refreshment.

Peanut butter — Slather on an apple or to add a tablespoon or two to a smoothie for a protein-rich treat.

Quesadillas — Use black beans or any other canned beans you have on hand. Add in a sprinkling of cheese, a dollop of salsa and you're in business.

Raisins — sprinkle these high iron and fiber-rich gems into plain yogurt or mix with 1/3 cup of nuts for instant trail mix.

Salsa — makes a great dip for veggies and also can be used on sandwiches as a low fat spread instead of mayo.

Yogurt — If you have plain yogurt in the fridge, you're ready to go. Add some fresh herbs (parsley, dill or thyme will all work), along with a dash of salt and pepper, and you're set.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

5 Days to Go!

Thanks for the comments and support!

On my 5th day and 5 more to go. The 3rd day was a real killer for me and I know it was my body reacting to caffeine withdrawals. I really wanted to quit but soooo glad I didn't. I am proud to say that I have no cravings for coffee... Yay!!! That was my main goal was to get off coffee and hopefully caffeine altogether. I really want to stay off soda as well so we'll see how that goes once this cleanse is done. The hunger pangs are getting worse but I just keep drinking that lemonade.... it's really pretty good! Even if I don't make it the full 10 days... at least I kicked the coffee addiction!

Quote on Healthier Living

"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." —Thomas Alva Edison

I was reading Stanley Burrough's book "Mastercleanse" and he reiterates what Edison quotes above. I to, think we fill our bodies with so much junk whether it be fast food, processed foods, or even restaurant meals. Burrough's suggests we eat more raw foods and as a result, will rid our bodies of toxins and maintain a healthy lifestyle without a need for all the medicines offered today.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Giving this Master Cleanse a try!

Hi, for those who don't know me, I am Lena Mecham and I live about a block west of Heather. We are in the same ward and that is how we met and have become great friends. Although we have the Hawaii connection, we both lived in the same town in Hawaii but never new each other there.
Well I am also another mom trying to shed those many many many unwanted pounds. I have 4 kids between the ages of 2 and 9, I've gained about 100 lbs. since getting married and delivering babies. Now that I am definitely done with having more kids.... it's time I need to work more on the weightloss.
But first, I have started this Detox/Lemonade Diet/MasterCleanse that Heather told me about. I decided to give it a try mainly for health reasons. I've been having many issues with stomach pain, nausea and stomach flu symptons... especially more so after the birth of my 4th child. I think this cleanse will help me start a more healthier diet. I have been a coffee drinker for 15 years and I am definitely addicted to the caffeine. I really need to get myself off of caffeine as well as soda. I hope that after this cleanse I can stay off the caffeine and eat more healthy meals.
So I am now on day 3 of this cleanse and the first 2 days weren't too bad but today was really hard. I am feeling the effects of not having caffeine for these last few days. I don't really crave coffee now but I do crave my all time favorite soda....Dr. Pepper! I went to the grocery store today and it was really hard for me not to grab a bottle of DP and take it home with me. I hope I can last another 7 days!!!

Thanks for the support Heather!!

DONE with Mastercleanse!

I've been really busy so I haven't had time to post, but I am happy to say I finished DAY 10 of the Mastercleanse on Saturday and feel it was completely doable and completely worth it. I didn't cheat at all and I think it was because I had the mentality that it was a cleanse and not a diet. I lost a total of 15 lbs and feel really, really great. The entire time I didn't feel hungry and yet I still had a good amount of energy.

One thing I feel I will do differently the next time is instead of drinking the minimum of 6 cups a day, I will drink 10 or more. The reason is because I was reading Stanley Burrough's book and he wrote that the lemonade breaks everything down and the salt water and tea wash it out. Although I feel I cleansed myself pretty good, I want to see if next time I get different and possibly better results. What I really want is to expel something similar looking to what I saw in photos - the toxic buildup that happens because of years of eating junk.

I think I'll do this every 2-3 months. I feel really great and don't really feel like eating junk.

To break the fast yesterday I drank orange juice and today I'll drink orange juice and make a vegetable soup. Tomorrow I'll have veggie soup and I think I can eat normal foods again. Whoohoo!

I started Body for Life again this morning and I'll be needing protein since I'm lifting weights. I'm looking forward to getting to my good weight and I think I'll be able to do it just in time for Summer.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

DAY EIGHT Mastercleanse

Two and a half more days left of the cleanse and I feel like I could really do this regularly and be fine. It's amazing how I don't feel hungry after drinking the lemonade and still feel energy throughout the day. I am still waking up with Sadie during the night so I'm not like jumping-off-rooftops-full-of-energy, but still no nap needed.

I'm down 12 lbs. and feeling pretty good. What will be interesting is if I'll be able to keep the weight off and continue to lose. A lot of people gain the weight right back and some even double the weight they lost. I don't plan on gaining anything back, but I know I won't lose as quickly because Monday I start Body for Life again and that's a 2 lb per week loss. What I'm really excited about is having muscle take the place of the fat. That will be really wonderful!

This morning I was out of lemonade and out of lemons. We were pretty much out of a lot of other basic food items too so earlier this morning I loaded up the 4 kids and we went to Walmart. With Madie in the front of the cart, the carrier with Sadie in it at the back of the cart, and Joshy standing up in the middle we didn't have much room for anything! But we got groceries and made it home a little before lunchtime. After unloading groceries and kids, putting things away, and getting the kids lunch I was finally able to make my lemonade. I drank 4 cups since I didn't have any for breakfast and that was my lunch too. I could have just had 2 but I gotta at least hit the minimum requirement for this cleanse with 6-12 cups a day.

I feel great all around and will be eating healthier than ever after this cleanse!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

DAY SIX Mastercleanse

I'm on day six and although I don't feel crazy hungry like I'd expect to, I'm looking forward to eating food again. Last night at Chuck e Cheese I was breathing in the pizza and coveting the salads everyone was getting. Haha!

I was wondering how I would do with the tendency I have to finish off some of my kid's food if they don't finish but I'm doing good. Even while fasting I sometimes forget while I'm making a meal and pop something in my mouth. So far I haven't cheated at all. I figure if I'm going to do it I'm going all out.

My energy level is fine and I don't really feel hungry too much. Today I've had 6 cups of the lemonade mixture and I think that's about all I'm going to be able to do each day. I don't even normally start drinking it till after 10 am cause I'm so busy with the kids and I had the salt water earlier. So I pretty much drink two cups per meal.

I'm sure some of you might be wondering what foul things am I emitting from my body? Well, it's all been pretty much the runs. Nothing like in the photos I saw on the internet... Norda - is that what Kendall experienced too?