Thursday, October 30, 2008

FORM Distributor in Utah

I know it seems like I have dropped off the face of the earth because I haven't posted in so long but I do want to let everyone know I am still a distributor for FORM and FIXX.

I found out just recently I'm expecting our 6th child and so that has put a damper on my weight loss efforts (of course). I was doing so well and losing a consistent 2-4 lbs a week when things changed and I found out I was expecting AGAIN. It seems like I just had Sadie (8 months) and it also seems like I just had Madison (19 months) and now I'm due in May with baby numero sixo. :) So having said that you can only imagine how much havoc three pregnancies in a row can have on ones body... how much weight on top of weight on top of weight I will have to lose after this baby is born. I was just 25 lbs away from my goal when this pregnancy happened.

The main difference with this pregnancy is that I have peace of mind and NO STRESS when I think of how I'm going to lose the weight afterwards. I'm actually looking forward to the challenge just like I do with every pregnancy but this time I have a whole new outlook and I know it will almost be effortless.

With this pregnancy I plan on continuing with the FIXX shake in the morning (which is interesting because with previous pregnancies the thought of Slimfast made me so sick even thinking about it). I love the FIXX shake and it fills me up and the flavor is wonderful and I love how it has just 100 calories. I will also take the FORM pill as consistently as I can because I KNOW it will prevent me from gaining the normal amount of weight my body seems to LOVE putting on each pregnancy.

So right now I am not really a "shrinking mommy" but I will be again in May. :)

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