Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Twin Girls

I thought I was a little bit bigger because I had two babies the last two years, but to find out we were having twin girls was absolutely amazing! We are very excited and now I can justify being a little bigger than my normal pregnancies... :) The two girls are due in April or May. I'm already uncomfortable and gravity doesn't help. I'm not looking forward to getting any bigger because it doesn't seem like I can stretch anymore. But I'm happy for babies #6 & 7 to join our family!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Advantages of Walking

Walking can add minutes to your life.
This enables you at 85 years old
to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing
home at $7000 per month.

My mother-in-law started walking
five miles a day when she was 80.
Now she's 81 years old
and we don't know where the hell she is.

I like long walks,
especially when they are taken
by people who annoy me.

The only reason I would take up walking
is so that I could hear heavy breathing again!

I have to walk early in the morning,
before my brain figures out what I'm doing.

I joined a health club last year,
spent abo ut 400 bucks.
Haven't lost a pound.
Apparently you have to go there.

Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise',
I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

I do have flabby thighs,
but fortunately my stomach covers them.

If you are going to try cross-country skiing,
start with a small country.

I know I got a lot of exercise
the last few years,......
just getting over the hill.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

FORM Distributor in Utah

I know it seems like I have dropped off the face of the earth because I haven't posted in so long but I do want to let everyone know I am still a distributor for FORM and FIXX.

I found out just recently I'm expecting our 6th child and so that has put a damper on my weight loss efforts (of course). I was doing so well and losing a consistent 2-4 lbs a week when things changed and I found out I was expecting AGAIN. It seems like I just had Sadie (8 months) and it also seems like I just had Madison (19 months) and now I'm due in May with baby numero sixo. :) So having said that you can only imagine how much havoc three pregnancies in a row can have on ones body... how much weight on top of weight on top of weight I will have to lose after this baby is born. I was just 25 lbs away from my goal when this pregnancy happened.

The main difference with this pregnancy is that I have peace of mind and NO STRESS when I think of how I'm going to lose the weight afterwards. I'm actually looking forward to the challenge just like I do with every pregnancy but this time I have a whole new outlook and I know it will almost be effortless.

With this pregnancy I plan on continuing with the FIXX shake in the morning (which is interesting because with previous pregnancies the thought of Slimfast made me so sick even thinking about it). I love the FIXX shake and it fills me up and the flavor is wonderful and I love how it has just 100 calories. I will also take the FORM pill as consistently as I can because I KNOW it will prevent me from gaining the normal amount of weight my body seems to LOVE putting on each pregnancy.

So right now I am not really a "shrinking mommy" but I will be again in May. :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

FORM Works Best with Pure, Room Temperature Water

I had heard from a few people that FORM didn't work for them and that really surprised me. FORM isn't something that will work for some and not for others. This product should work for everyone who tries it as long as they follow the directions.

I learned that FORM is most effective with pure, room temperature water. When I told this to one of the persons it didn't work for, she retried it and I got a text from her with GREAT results.

Read the post below for more details... I just received it from the O3 World Dream Team and it just reiterates what I learned just a little bit earlier last month.


It has come to my attention that there are a few characteristics about the O3World Form product that need clarification. We’ve been hearing about the great results that people have been experiencing across the boards, however, if we educate people about the actual physical process that gives Form its amazing properties, it will allow people to better utilize this revolutionary product.

The following are a two guidelines for optimal results, with accompanying explanations. I know it always helps me make better decisions about how to use a product when I actually understand the reasons behind the usage recommendation. So, without any further Adieu:

1: Form should be taken on a relatively empty stomach. Do not eat or drink anything for at least 45-60 minutes before taking Form.

Explanation : Form is a in a class of compounds known as Super Absorbent Polymers, or SAPs. The vast majority of these compounds can only absorb extremely pure water. While Form is designed to be more tolerable of impurities in the water, it still helps to have the purest water environment possible for optimum expansion. Also, if there are more liquids present than the Form can absorb, it will remain in a fluid, or semi-fluid state, thus detracting from its hunger-reducing properties. If one were to have food in the stomach, it would contain material that would dissolve into the water, and detract from the Form’s expansion performance. Also, if one had excess liquids in the stomach, it would create an environment where the Form would not be able to absorb enough to congeal, and bring about the intended effect.

2: Form should be taken with the purest possible water, preferably warm.

Explanation: Once again, Form is happiest in a pure water environment. The reason for this is because each Form microbead is like a tiny, tiny sponge, with a bunch of microscopic holes in it. We’re going to paint a mental picture for everyone to help them understand this principle.

Let’s think about these tiny holes as doorways that are three feet high, and two feet wide. Now let’s think about each water molecule as a five year old girl who wants to hold hands with everyone she can. Water, like five year olds, can behave in very interesting ways. Our water molecule has the ability to “hold hands” with a very large number of other substances. This is what happens whenever anything is dissolved in the water. Sugars, Salts, acids, bases, minerals; All these substances all have the ability to bond with water molecules, and move about the solution in tandem on the molecular level. Ok, back to the “tiny door” analogy. The water molecule, the five year old, holds hands with whomever she can. When water comes in contact with Form microbeads, and its tiny doorways, water wants to walk through them. However, if she’s “holding hands” with someone, she must try to bring them through the door as well. Now, if a water molecule is a five year old, every other molecule that can hold her hands are huge, fully grown adults. Picture our tiny little water molecule, holding hands with her 250 pound father, walking through a 3 foot by 2 foot doorway. It’s just not going to work very well.

This is the situation if there are sugars or salts dissolved in the water. Form will only expand 65-80% if the water it is absorbing has too much dissolved in it. Hence, Colas, Coffee, Juices, and pretty much anything except pure water is not optimal for use with Form. It also expands much more rapidly in water that is close to body temperature.

Something to remember is that bottled water is not necessarily pure water. Some bottles waters add minerals and electrolytes that will slow the absorbing process. It should still work with basically all bottled waters, but if there are “flavor enhancing minerals” in the water it will just take a little longer for it to do its job.

I hope these explanations give you a little better reason about why we make these Form recommendations. Thank you for your interest!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008